Window tinting is the process of applying a thin film to your windows as a means of sun protection and/or advertising. It’s an easy and inexpensive way to alter both the look and functionality of your windows without having to pay for special glass.
Window tinting has been around for generations and has long been used on commercial buildings to help with climate control issues. For example, it’s not uncommon for office buildings with large areas of windows to use window tinting to protect against excessive heating from the sun. Fortunately, the same technology used to apply window tinting to buildings can also be utilized for your car.
The installation process begins by thoroughly cleaning the glass so it’s free from all dust, oil, and other potential contaminants. The window is also dried somewhat, but not necessarily completely. The technician will then typically apply a little bit of soapy water or other lubricant to the window in order to help the film move during the application process. He places the film on the window and uses a squeegee to remove the soapy water underneath. Any trimming that needs to be done will be taken care of using a sharp utility knife.
Because window tinting is so easy to apply it’s also not very expensive. For just a few pounds per window you can have all of the benefits window tinting provides without spending a small fortune. What are some of those benefits? Consider the following:
- Protection from harmful UV rays during long drives on sunny days
- Reduced heat build-up inside the vehicle; longer lasting upholstery
- Reduced risk of glass shattering as the result of a car accident
- Reduced risk of break-in and theft when valuable items are left inside the vehicle